
What should i say when my friend says this about my parents?

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when your friend makes a rude comment about your parents like "oh your mom looks tierd..or your dad doesnt look like you.. wow" type thing.. like I HATE it when my friend says that she is one of my good friends and I just dont know why but she tends to cross the line ALOT when it comes to commenting other people about there looks.. and i try to stand up for my parents and stuff but it just feels wierd u know.. like what woudl you do?? what should i say? and do you think (what i said above) is offensive? or woudl you be offended if someone said that about your parents?




  1. Yes, It would make me think twice, Say "why would you say something like that ? " Put it back in her lap, Maybe she will stop and think. GOOD LUCK !

  2. Be like yea there my parents so you really can't talk about them like that because it gets me mad so quit.

    If that doesn't work punch her in the face or just ignore her because I'd be pissed if some one talked about my parents like that

  3. tell her how you feel

  4. Hey, Twin(s)!

    This ignorant cow is trying to get her jollies off of putting you down with whatever SHE thinks she can use to make you feel BAD, thus making her feel GOOD.

    You know me, so here it comes:

    I’ll bet this person isn’t nearly as attractive as you are and doesn’t have BOTH parents at home.  She’s one of those people that seeks to be friends with people in better positions in life than she has JUST to rip into them for her own pleasure after gaining their confidence.

    Because I’ve learned a bit about your personality just form this forum, I’m SURE she knows much more than I do, and she’s using it against you.  She knows how popular you are and how you value that.  She knows that you don’t like people NOT to like you, so she thinks she can get her “fix” of hating on the pretty girl without fear of retaliation.  She’s confident that you won’t cross her because she’ll spew lies, truth, and all of your business to the rest of the people in your world.  F&*king hater!

    So dump that loser before it gets worse.  The more info she gathers about your personal life, the more she’ll have to spread in your social environment.

    I have spoken!

  5. just say uh huh./.

    yes them to death

  6. thats awesome that u know your friend is being a cow

    i would do the same to her,, see how she likes it,, and if she gets pissed tell her that she does it

    some people think they can act how they want,,,, DONT LET THEM, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. I don't think the stuff she said above is offensive, unless she actualy said it offensively. Tell you don't like her commenting on your parents because it really offends you-just be honest. A true friend would just stop and say nothing.

  8. i'd be like

    'uhm, keep your comments to yourself'

  9. you could say "y'es but, you know you are a bit of a *****/insensitive sometimes" she has to either admit it or stop to prove she isnt. And while many girls admit they are b***ches to ppl they dont like, few will feel comfortable admitting to their friends, when they havent fallen out, that they are being a cow in their friendship with you, since that would spell the breakdown of the friendship non?

  10. How are those insults at all?

    She might as well had said,

    "Your mother is a hard worker, and thus is sleepy."


    "Your father's genetic genes are recessive, and thus you do not look like him."

    They're just really stupid comments.

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