
What should i study if i want to work for international organization?

by  |  earlier

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UNHCR, Amnesty International, WHO




  1. First, you need to pick an area of expertise: communications, health, human resources, logistics, nutrition, law, etc. You need to get an undergrad in whatever area of expertise you want to pursue, and then a Master's Degree in this or another area of expertise that would be of value in the developing world.

    You also need to be able to work in at least one other language besides English; for instance, French is excellent for many countries in Africa, Russian is good for former Soviet bloc countries, Farsi/Dari/Tajik is good for Afghanistan, Tajikistan, etc., Hindi is excellent for India, etc. This means not just taking classes for a couple of years; this means immersing yourself in these studies.

    You need to also volunteer locally, wherever you are right now, on issues relating to what international organization's are concerned with: children's health, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, immigrant services, domestic violence, food distribution, voter education, etc. You want have a CV filled with lots of work you have undertaken, either paid or as a volunteer, coordinating and leading projects.

    Look at some of the jobs that are available internationally and look at the requirements for the jobs that sound interesting to you; that will give you a guide on what you should study and how you should volunteer to gain the experience needed.

    This is a journey of many years.

  2. besides all said by jane - u should strive for a master's degree.  this will put u up there with other applicants.  

    just be aware:

    WHO would usu take those with a medical background.

    Amnesty is particular about your nationality and previous employment, preferably not a civil servant and a strong activist, legal background.  

    u should be in your late 20s early 30s

    if u come fr developing country,  u may stand a better chance as theses orgs would like to show diversity in their recruitment.

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