
What should i study in the US if i want to get lot of money?

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What should i study in the US if i want to get lot of money?




  1. - Law, very prestigious and highly respected degree within the professional services and although they are highly paid (starting salary of around $90,000) the positions available are highly competitive.

    - Economics/Finance/Accounting, CPA, CMA and CFA's are extreamly well paid.

    - Medical professions (M.D) - Again, a highly respected degree but it takes a lot of education and effort to acheive for a lot of pay but expect to work your way up and work very long hours in the process.

    - Various business degrees - business consultants and coaches who are self employed can and do charge astromical fees. My father-in-law for example is a buisness coach and charges $300 per hour, per person for his services.

    - Psychology is another field which is on the rise and is important in many professions such as law, medicine, government, law enforment, health and business. Many private psychologist charge $200-$400 per hour for clients to use their services.

    - Engineers are another sought after field.

    - Certain fields withing the science industry to such as microbiology offers many paths.

  2. something related about

    A) politics (may be not at first but with a little bit of influence...)

    B) medicine (it also cost a lot)

    c) numerology   (if you study it for your entire life you may win the super lotto!!! not so worth and too many posibilities, but nothing  impossible!!! hu, hu, hu.)

  3. Law or medicine or Engineering

  4. Law or Medicine

  5. Architecture, Medicine, Law

  6. depends on what you are good at... medicine if you have the time and devotion it takes

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