
What should i study so that i can work for the American embassy in south Africa?

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what study field, degree, diploma must i optain to be able to be employde by the american goverment




  1. Embassies in foreign countries normally hire locals. That's why when in these countries you can't expect any help from them.

  2. safe s*x.

  3. Your interest is commendable.  There are three US consulates and one embassy in South Africa.  Each hires local employees (Foreign Service Nations - FSN's) for jobs ranging from manual labor (landscaping, construction, etc) to white collar positions (clerical, administrative, etc.).  The better your education, the better level of job for which you could compete.  

    Technical certification in standard computer programs, extensive knowledge of host country languages and dialects, superior English skills, knowledge of accounting, political science, diplomacy, and similar skills would all be looked upon favorably in your application.  Consider contacting the Human Resources Office representatives at each location you are interested in to get a list of current and prospective job openings.

  4. International relations or a business administration degree that focuses on international trade would be two good ones.  You would have to get hired by the State Department first before you could start considering what country you would be assigned to.  That's like being set on being a neurosurgeon before you get into med school.

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