
What should i take for upset stomach in egypt?

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what medicines work on an upset tummy ,i am going to makadi bay on the red sea with 2 small children next june ,how can i prevent a tummy upset ,if not are there any chemists or drs there to help ?




  1. I take Immodium (loperamide) just in case of diarroeah. Thankfully not had to use it yet.

    However, an excellent remedy i was given in Marrakech - Im unsure if the 'bug' was due to drinking very cold water in the very hot weather, or drinking and filling up the same bottle for a few days running, But, we were having a spicesand pharmeceutical demonstration, my stomach was cramping every few minutes, so much that I thought iwas going too pass out.

    The lecturer asked any questions so i put up my hand and explained my problem asking what I could take.

    He promptly put a palm full of CUMIN (jeera powder) used for cooking, into my hand and said eat it all and drink water till your mouth is clean.

    After doing so my stomach cramps stopped within 10 minutes!!!

    This also worked when my frien had upset tummy in a hot country - I asked at the nearest restaurant for a pinch of cumin and a sealed bottle of water - not from the fridge - her tummy pains resolved in minutes.  

    I would feel this a good remedy for children as it is unsafe just to give med ad lib without knowing the real reason.

    (which is nigh on impossible when ones holidaying) it is not advisable to take more that the immediate relief - 2 capsules of immodium (Loperamide) or such remedies as there is a certain bug Clostridium Difficile Toxins Positive (CDT+ve) - mainly hospital acquired that if taken can cause perforation of the bowel - without going into another story, as youve asked a simple queston and ive rattled on too long - sorry but hope this helps!

  2. Well, the only way to try and stop it is to used bottled water fro drinking, and for brushing teeth etc....but its worth taking a bottle of Pepto Bismol, ( helps to stop sickness ) a box of Imodium Tablets ( to help stop diahorrea) and some Diaoralyte sachets ( to help replace lost salts, and stop dehydration)

    You're better off buying these in the U.K. ready to take with you, rather than wait until you suddenly find that you need them there!!

    As long as you're careful, and watch what you are eating and should be okay.

  3. Don't wash your teeth in,or drink water from the tap and think twice about eating salad.

    Of course there will be docs and chemists.

    Egypt is great,i am sure you will have a good time.

  4. Hi

    well if you are in Egypt maybe you should ask mummy :) as the saying goes mum knows best .

    Seriously though you should ask your GP the best medicine to take as the climate will change the way your body reacts to the medicines you normal take in the UK.

  5. i heard camel toe is good for an upset stomach in Egypt

  6. .drink bottled water , and brush your teeth with it .

    eat in good restaurants .

    if you have diarrhea  , take Antinal.

    but nothing will go bad .

    people just talk and exaggerate things .

    there are doctors and very good  chemists who can advise you and provide you with what you need .

    enjoy your trip.

  7. i have been to Egypt and its great!

    make sure you dont drink water from  the tap, buy mineral water, and dont eat in any restaurant, because they are not very clean.

    you can ask in your hotel good restaurants, they will indicate you.

    by the way the answer above about brushing teeth, Its all right to brush your teeth, i had no problems.

    good trip

  8. You can buy these safe bet treatments for an upset stomach in most pharmacies in Egypt, including those you find in an airport.

    Egyptian pharmacists are highly trained doctors and will tell

    you the dosage suitable for you IN CASE of an unfortunate attack of food poisoning

    ANTINAL (first dose two tablets) very safe even for pregnant women. This anti bacterial medicine clears out the bug causing the upset.

    You fan get it in  a yellow syrup form for young children.  You should also stock up with MOTILIUM in case of vomiting and plenty of RE-HYDRATION salts packets which are essential if young kids get an upset tummy  - the number one treatment for rotavirus infections.  If you are out of salt packets, flattened SEVEN UP/ LEMONADE will do as a TEMPORARY (12 hour) help while you get them to a doc.

    BUSCOPAN PLUS taken with the antinal - this stops the pain and the cramping you get when you have food poisoning.

    This is the most common and effective treatment for such a case but you MUST CONSULT THE PHARMACIST carefully and ALWAYS get medical advice if anyone in your family has an upset tummy- there is sure to be a medic close to you at the makadi bay resort.

    So pick up these medicines (available over the counter) as soon as you get to Egypt and keep them as a reserve in case you can't see a doc 'immediately'.

    However, if you follow all the great advice above - take particular care with fruit, fruit juices and salads and steer well clear of any locally produced alcohol - you hopefully will not suffer from any stomach upsets and have a fantastic holiday!

  9. You can avoid upset stomach by drinking bottled water no tap water and avoid ice cubes.  If you are going self catering cook everything with bottled water.  Eat in good restaurants the main thing is to keep hydrated and keep out of direct sunlight for long periods of time.  

    Many people think it's the food but it is actually being dehydrated and having the air conditioning on all the time so once the room is cool turn it off.  

    You should be fine i have been to Egypt many many many times and have never experienced an upset stomach.  how ever there are many many pharmacy's in Sharm they speak English so just describe you symptoms and they will give you some upset stomach tablets.  Don't worry just enjoy your holiday.

  10. Get a really good quality probiotic supplement and start taking it before you go away - it will give you all the protection you need as long as you observe the usual good practice such as no ice etc.  When I first started travelling in India I was told to eat curds every morning for breakfast (which is of course the same as eating live yoghurt - full of good bacteria) and lassi and despite eating in all the places you are not supposed to, cleaning my teeth in the local water and having ice in my drinks in numerous visits (some for long periods) I have never had a problem

  11. Same as you would anywhere!

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