
What should i take in college if i want to be a cultural anthropologist ?

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cultural studies




  1. You need a good college for Anthropology, and more specifically one that has a good section of Cultural Anthropology. Northern Illinois University DeKalb is allright. Also, think of where you want to do your studies at. If you want to do research in Europe, don't go to a school that has classes in something else. Also, you want a college that has a field school as well (NIU has a cultural anthro field school). But make sure you take all your cultural classes. Go talk to departmental advisors. Anthropologists are always willing to help out and talk!

  2. You need to go to graduate school in Anthropology and earn a doctorate. Usually that will mean that you need to have earned a BA or AB in Anthropology.

    You will take classes, take you comprehensive exams, do doctoral research and write a dissertation that is accepted by your doctoral committee. Along the way, you may or may not earn a Master's degree.

    This is the process in a nutshell, you would have to check the graduate catalog for specific graduate programs to get the details.


  3. I would think that a Summer Bug, would want to become an Entomologist?

  4. I go to U of T and here are the requirements for an anthropology major (cultural or biological).

    Degree Requirements:

    Course Descriptions:

    Obviously every school is different and you would need to see what your school's requirements are, but I hope this gets you started.

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