
What should i take???

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea what to go to college for. i went for one semester last jan. for nursing and now that ive been working at a hospital for half a year, i def. do not want to be a nurse. how can i figure out what i want to do?




  1. I am kind of in the same situation except I haven't done anything.  Go to your college councilor, and talk to him or her and see what they suggest.  That is what I am doing tomorrow.  Good luck with whatever you decide.  

  2. Two aspirin.

  3. Just take all your general education requirements and you will find something that calls you.  

    You should not make your choice until something does if you are not already sure.  You cannot ask someone what they think you should do, you have to look at you and what you will wake up for day after day, drive through traffic, and sweat, cry, and laugh for at your job.  

    It is a big decision and one that only you have the heart and knowledge to answer: people can give you ideas but not answers.
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