
What should i take to get energy?

by  |  earlier

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Ive taken all sorts of things that make you energized, the most extreme being adderall

does anyone know any thing i could take that would make me very alert and overall more awake?




  1. Try a bathtub full of java..

  2. double shot esspresso, red bull, pot of coffee, exercise "engery begets energy"

  3. First start with the basics.

    Get plenty of sleep. No matter how many stimulants we take there simply is no replacement for it.

    Get plenty of water. Enough water increases our energy and metabolism levels by 3%. For proper hydration and health we need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight plus 8 more for every 20 minutes of exercise. With hot/dry days and climates we need more. We can get water from other drinks and some foods. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate so they don't count towards water intake. In fact more water must be consumed to counter the dehydrating effects.

    Take a good quality multi vitamin/mineral. With nutrition you get what you pay for. Most items in the stores simply are not worth the money you pay. We all must supplement and good quality ones increase our energy too. The RDA/RDI was set up as the minimum amounts needed to prevent nutritional deficiency diseases. For optimal health we need more.

    In addition to the basic multi vitamin/mineral supplment add a good guality multi B complex vitamin to your regimine too. It increases energy. So will adding ginseng with ginko biloba.

    Now if after all of this you need a boost then don't worry, we all do from time to tim. That is when you can try a tea, energy drink, soda, or coffee for a boost. Just don't forget extra water as these all have caffeine.

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