
What should i talk about with this girl??

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k im new in my school, im a sophomore, and there is this senior girl who is sooooooooo beautiful, i like her so much, when i see her theres this weird feeling in my stomach and heart and i get really happy. im only with her in one class. shes a pretty smart girl.... i look at her a lot and i also catch her looking at me.... i want to sit next to her and talk to her but idk wut to talk about with her, plus, getting out of my seat and all the way across the room to sit next to her is a big move lol..... and if she doesnt like me, i will be awkward to do that.....

so wut should i do?




  1. Just talk about whats going on in the class, maybe go over there and first start talking about what you are learning in class that day.

    If you and her have good chemistry it will just work and you will be able to talk like you've known each other for a while.

    Girls love confidence. So just sit beside her and be confident.

    Good luck.

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