I have been asked to teach a Beginner's Computer Class in my community. I will be teaching to adults and High School kids (but the majority will be adults). I am a High School student myself.
I do know a lot about computers, but i am not exactly sure what to teach or how to go about doing it in a way to make it easy for everybody with their different skill levels.
Some people may know the basis, and some may not even know how to turn a computer on.
Should i start with teaching how to turn a computer on, tech/computer jargon, typing correctly on a keyboard (hand position)????
I'm at a loss.
Any ideas for what i should teach in this class would be great. Also, it would be great if you could write in what order you think i should teach them in.
Should i teach photo editing, home movie editing, typing, email etc etc???
Any ideas and suggestions would be much appreciated.
P.S. How much should i charge per person for each 1 hour lesson???
Thanks and regards,