
What should i teach my 3 month old baby and is there a free classes for parental education in orange county?

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What should i teach my 3 month old baby and is there a free classes for parental education in orange county?




  1. He might be a little young for this you could try though. I don't think they have a class for sign languagefor a baby but buy a basic Sign Language Books teaching the baby hello, bye,please,more,etc.

  2. Go get the book "Reading Magic" by Mem Fox.  I checked it out from my local library.  Such a great book!  All new parents should read it!

  3. check out MOPS (mothers of preschoolers), they may be of help in finding you something for that age group. then at three you cna join MOPS! Some areas have a Parent as Teacher programs. also check out storytimes at the library for your child. and most of all, enjoy the hugs and cooing! your local health department may also have resources to send you off in the right direction.  best wishes !!

  4. Teach him or her to alert you when they have to go potty. That will save lots of money for you and it will keep diapers out of landfills. Thank You


                                                                   4 month old

  5. Orange County, CA has several "Family Resource Centers" in various cities that offer free parenting classes.  Also, you can check with Child Guidance Center, Orange County Youth and Family Services and the main area hospitals for some parenting classes.  You can also check for resources available close to you.

  6. 3 months old is still pretty young..but, there are still things that you can do for them.

    Cuddle with them, coo with them, talk to them, lay them down on their tummy, and get down to their level etc..

    but-  when he/she gets older..there are ECFE classes that you could attend.

  7. Teach it how not to screech in restaurants where other people are trying to enjoy a nice dinner.

  8. When my first daughter was little I signed up for babycenter. com's weekly emails. They tell you what you should expect your baby to be doing every week(since there's so much going on with their development in their earlier years) They even tell you things you can do with your baby to help with their motor skills. Sometimes you get little pictures and things for your baby to focus on that helps with brain development. It's really informative, you should check it out!

    Good luck, and congrats on your new baby!


  9. What that baby needs to learn is that the world is a safe place and his/her needs will be met. Holding, singing, looking at books, eating, diapering, going for a walk, bathing-in other words, everything you do with an infant helps it learn. Just don't forget to talk to your baby, and hold it close. As for parenting classes-check with your local library or hospiatl. They probably have a list.

  10. look up first five california, they have a kit they send to new parents.

  11. Teach that baby to feel loved and secure.  Hold him/her, make lots of eye contact, laugh and talk and sing and dance.  He/she is not ready to learn more until he/she knows love and security.  Your touch and attention teach this, and your baby will also be developing cognitively from the sounds he/she hears and what he/she sees and feels.  This is the most important thing you can do for your baby right now, and don't underestimate the importance of these activities.  They are the foundation for everything else your child will do and learn during his/her whole life!

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