
What should i teach my german shepherd?

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She knows how to sit, down, stay (she has a VERY solid stay), heel, high five, under (go under my legs), peekaboo (go on my legs from behind and sit between them and look up at me. just for fun. its cute = ]), she can also wroll over, and slide (really its crawl but i want to teach her the command crawl to come forward with her butt in the air). Oh and she can spin and back up,touch (my hand), sit before she crosses the road, leave it (treats), find it (toys under the sand or treats in the grass), and she stays close off leash- no runaway problems.

She's very smart and i love to show her off but i always want to show her off a bit more. I'd like to teach her some more obedience commands as well as cute tricks.

So i just wanted to see what people think i should teach her (and if you know how, please share! it would be really helpful.)

By the way, her name is Lola and she just turned a year old. She learns things extremely fast, were up for anything challenging or whatever




  1. teach you dog to read this

  2. A friend of  my step-fathers had taught his dog to play fetch, but when the dog would bring it back, if the dog didn't drop it right in front of him he would say "no, over here" and the dog would pick it up and move it.   Do you have another dog?  I always think its cute when one dog has another on a leash and is walking the other dog.

  3. Here are some:

    clean up: when you say this, she should be able to go around the house or yard and pick up all her toys, then put them in the toy bin. For an advanced dog, have her sit at your feet when she's done and close the toy bin top.

    high five other: this is like, if your dog can do a high five with the left foot, teach her how to do the right one when you say "other". once she learns this, teach her to do it when she's standing, along with the regular high five, if she doesn't already. then have her walk down the street and keep saying other--it looks really funny :)

    here's an important one that i taught my dog:

    side: this is when a car is coming, you say side, she automatically goes to the side of the road on the INSIDE of you--away from the car. eventually, my dog figured out that i say "side" whenever the noise of a car is near, and sometimes i don't even have to say it anymore. this is very handy, especially if your dog gets out during the day and runs away. it'll keep her safe.

    sit up: this is when she's like, sitting on her butt but kind of standing. that might be the same as heel though...

    pop: my camp counselor is a professional trainer (she helped train zebras in the movie Racing Stripes) and she taught her dog to go into the fridge, get a soda and only a soda (no other food for the dog) and bring it to her after closign the fridge door. all she said was "pop" i think... something like that.

    okay: once you teach her this trick, then she won't eat her food. You can hold out her favorite treat in the universe and she won't do more than sniff it, until you say okay. my counselor also taught her dog this.

    I hope this helped! Lola sounds incredible--you should compete!

  4. she seems pretty smart,

    you should teach how to speak german, since she's a german shepherd, lol

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