
What should i tell my friend other then sorry?

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ok i really screwed up...first i was just messin with her and called her a s**t so im really sorry about that...and then i told someone something i shouldnt hav told, so now shes really mad at me. so wat should i say other then im really sorry




  1. Just say sorry from the bottom of your heart, and take steps to end the trouble u caused her by leaking out her words.  

  2. Buy her something, give her something or ask her if she wants to meet up or even write a letter or email to her. Say that you are truly sorry and talk about the good times you've had as friends and the laughable moments.

    If it doesn't work just give her time and do the same thing again, hopefully she'll accept your apology.  

  3. idk im not really good at these things but u could say ur srry first and than make a joke about urself that might cheer her up

    ......i told u i wasnt good at these things

  4. Give her time to cool off.  Hopefully she will forgive you.  If not, then u learned a lesson.

  5. everyone makes mistakes when they are upset or mad, this doesn't make them a bad person, if you guys are really close, i  believe she will forgive you..things will get sorted out because if she knows you and you know her well enough she will just relax for a bit and you should give a bit of space, let her ease herself out from whats happened, and maybe just approach her when she looks like she is in a good mood.

  6. just say sorry and before you two really talk you should just let it blow over a little bit.... and dont feel too bad cause if she is really your friend, she will understand that lyou were joking around. me and my friends call like two of our friends "mansluts" because they fo out with soooo many girls and one of the boys take it as a complement.......

    just tell her your sorry and clear the air with her by saying sorry and that you appreciate having her as a friend and you will never say anything like that again!

  7. You could learn the difference in "then" and "than".

    In your question you should have used "than".

  8. Just let her cool down and give some space. Don't pester her about forgiveness or anything that would just make her madder. Give it a few days and then give her a call or maybe she will ring you.

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