
What should i tell my little girl about her frist day of school judy?

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What should i tell my little girl about her frist day of school judy?




  1. Tell her what fun she'll have at school, and how her teacher will have lots of cool stuff for her to do and learn. Will she know any kids there from pre-school/kindergarten etc? Here in New Zealand, kids start on or after their fifth birthday, so new entrants classes grow throughout the year. My daughter's teacher got another child to "look after" her and show her the classroom ropes. She also had three "school visits" - three half days at school in the week before she started, so she could see what to expect - she wanted to stay the whole day on her second visit! Don't know if you can do the same, but it was great for my baby. Above all, don't let her see that you're at all upset - concentrate on what a neat place school is, and how grown-up she is to be going.

  2. Tell her that it is the beginning of a beautiful adventure for her that will take her to a great future when it is all over and tell her she will meet lots of new friends, some whe will like a lot and some she won't like so much . Just tell her to always be a young lady , learn from the teachers and her new experiences and to always come home and share her day with you . Tell her it is nothing to fear , but something that will help her a whole lot and to concentrate on keeping a smile on her face and not let anyone take it away from her , because it is hers and God gave it to her so she should always show it and keep it . Good luck and God bless

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