
What should i tell with my friend?

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i have a really good friend but i dont know what to do shes really nice but totally copies me!! she goes to the same stores and everything i dont know what to do cause shes really sensitive.




  1. wow my friends do that too.

    just go out straightfoward

    please don't copy me i don't like when people take my style

  2. help her find her own style.

    subliminal messages might work

    go to the mall with her when she finds clothes she thinks are cute, then make her try them on. Try and discourage her from things you like to wear, just be like 'eww, I don't like that shirt too much' or something. don't find things for you either, you'll give her ideas.

    Look through magazines when you're hanging out and make comments on different outfits, emphasize the ones unlike yours and if she thinks one is cute, try and convince to find something like it.

    eventually she'll find a style she likes and stop copying yours

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