
What should i think about before going vegan. I am 16 btw if it matters? And i need more iron?

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What should i think about before going vegan. I am 16 btw if it matters? And i need more iron?




  1. First, make sure you're educated properly on vegan nutrition: is a great site for all aspects of this. Since you're going through puberty, need for iron in girls increases as you've rightly noticed. But with proper intake of plant foods, this should be easy to get on a vegan diet - there are few, if any, exceptions if nutrition is sound.

    Difficult to answer any more than this - there are lots of points to being vegan, so feel free to ask specific questions again one time. Good luck :)

  2. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau has the best cookbook for baking (The Joy of Vegan Baking) and she has a website & podcast ( that has the most clear and kind info via podcast I've come across- it is the best for transitioning into veganism- and addresses the health, ethical, practical, and environmental aspects of going vegan with directness & compassion.

    I agree that the best overall cookbook not just for baking is veganomicon.

    the vegan freak podcast listed here is also great- I listen to it & Colleen's but for someone new to veganism- Colleen's has better information and comes off more friendly.

  3. Iron, complete protein, incomplete protein, protein complementing, essential amino acids and vitamin B12 are some of the issues you need to investigate.

    A web search for vegan + "health hazards" will indicate what the traps of a vegan diet are and how to deal with them.

  4. Hi Michelle,

    I'm glad to know you want to go Vegan.

    First, you should think about the reasons you have to go Vegan. This is very important as to make things easier and lasting. When you're absolutely sure about the step you're taking, everything else just falls into its place.

    Second, read a lot. We live in a non-vegan world with a lot of myths all around and people ready to throw rubbish at you just because.

    Third, learn about nutrition and how to live with a healthy vegan diet. It's not difficult, but since we are not used to it, it might take some time to re-adjust some things. Eat a variety of foods and make sure you get your source of vit. B12 from a fortified source.

    There's no problem with your age. There are vegan babies, children, adolescents and so on. As long as you eat balanced, there won't be any problem.

    About iron, you don't need to get "more", you just need to get enough. Eat green vegetables, whole grains, and fruits with vitamin C. Try to avoid drinking coffee, teas or alcohol near meals, because they lower your body's ability to absorb the iron.

    And that's about it. Live a healthy, happy and ethical Veganism!!

    Visit this website. They have a very funny podcast with a lot of good advices:


  5. If you're going vegan make sure you buy a daily vitamin to supplement the nutrients you are not taking in.

  6. A lot--there's a ton that you can't eat, and if you're out somewhere, or just hanging out with friends, it's going to be hard to find things you can actually eat. Also, shopping will be a big issue too. A lot of stores use materials that aren't vegan.

  7. well think about eating more legumes, tofu, nuts and veggie burgers that are high in iron/protein (walnuts also are a good source of omega3).

    You need to find yourself a good soy milk/other non-dairy milk that is fortified with calcium and vitamin B12.

    I suggest you look at some vegan websites that have recipes such as:

    Veganomicon is also a really good cookbook. I think there's even a recipe for jelly filled cupcakes  : )

  8. I am copying a reply I posted to someone else with a very similar question.

    The best advice I can give is plan. See a nutritionist. They will work with you with foods you like and make sure you eat the right things to have a balanced diet. The biggest problem with vegans which leads to idiotic comments like one of the above, is that people don't do it correctly. Being a vegan does not mean you are skinny, and unhealthy, and wasting away like some peopel believe. The ones that are, are doing something wrong.

    The most important think you need to do as a vegan is ensure you are meeting you dietary needs EVERY day. You need to make up for what you are not eating with other foods. This is why nutritionists are so helpful. Also, investing in some cookbooks in probably a good idea. There are 30 minute vegan meal type of things out there. If you are an experience cook I suggest the Candle Cafe Cookbook. It's filled with recipes for wonderful, elegant meals. (But they are tricky). If you are not too experienced of a cook I would suggest the Veganomicon. Cooking is really your best bet. Prepared foods, even vegan ones, are not nearly as healthy as freshly prepared meals with fresh ingredients.

    Also, experiment with new items like Tempeh, Seitan, Tofu, and the like. A personal favorite of mine for quick meals are the organic soy veggie crumbles. They have a texture like ground beef and work wonders for tacos, chili, "meat sauce" and the like. Just please, plan well and keep yourself healthy. If done properly, being a vegan can be incredibly beneficial to your health, but done incorrectly can be quite detrimental.

    Good luck!!

    P.S. Join the Vegetarian Times Online Magazine. They have a subscription option to get a free newsletter in your email once a week with a featured vegan recipie. Enjoy!

    - Added note:

    Dark green leafy veggies contain HUGE amounts of iron, as do things like beans and nuts. I, myself, have a gluten-free vegan protein powder that is fortified with all kinds of vitamins including iron and calcium. I have that for breakfast (blend with some frozen fruit and soy milk) and know I am getting a good bit of vitamins. You can also take supplements, but I would not recommend iron supplements since they are very harsh on your stomach and need to be taken with a vitamin C supplement to be absorbed. As long as you are eating properly you should not have to worry about vitamins, since you should be getting a healthy dose from your food intake. If you are overly concerned stick with something like the protein powder.

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