
What should i use to get rid of mosquito bites within a week?

by  |  earlier

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yea, school's starting soon and i dont wanna be covered in bites n stuff.

Thanks ;)




  1. I tried applying echinacea/goldenseal herbal extract that I got from a vitamins store and it works every time!  As soon as I get bitten by a mosquito or whatever, I apply a drop of the extract and within a few minutes, the bite's gone.  no swelling, no itching!!  Normally, I'd add the herbal extract to small amt of water and drink it as soon as I feel a sore throat and voila! it gets rid of my cold!  You shouldn't take for prolong period of time and no more than about 2weeks at a time...just as preventive...I've used the echinacea/goldenseal extract for years now and where ever I go, I take it with me in case of an emergency.   Hope this information helps....

  2. you should use Neosporin

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