
What should i wear for this interview?

by  |  earlier

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hello im a 15 year old boy i finished school and going to college next month ,i live in malta and i got my first interview to work as a waiter in a 4 star hotel for the rest of this summer and in weekends when i start collage

please can you tell me what should i wear and can you tell what to say and what not to say and some stuff that it will be usefull remember these things are new for me ! =[ and im shy so when this person will talk to me probably i will be very embrassed and im afraid they won't choose me cause they think im not good or something.please [x] help [x] thx [x]




  1. hey i did many interviews for a waitress, and i got chosen right away when i showed confidence and will to work.

    dont be shy, otherwise the interviewer will think you will be shy with the customers too....  try to think of the interviewer as a friend:  dont worry to much about what they will think if you do this or say that...

    try to be honest, DO NOT invent things, and prepare yourself for any questions they might ask....

    some questions:

    tell me something about yourself:  this is asked in most interviews.,,,  just say your name, age, that you're looking for a summer job, but willing to continue in weekends during college, any hobbies or courses you have done (eg first aid, president's award, young enterprise, food handling etc...) like to meet new people etc...  - dont overkill this by saying that your dream is to meet tourists and make their stay in malta similar to a stay in paradise....  just be yourself and honest, no need to try to impress with grades you might have got, and big words....  this is coming from the horse's mouth lol...

    when can you begin/ how many hours can you work:  full time/ part time... depends on your availabilities.

    have you worked in a similar envioronment before:  i suppose no in your case.... say you're willing to take part in training sessions if they have them (i dont think they will though as this is a 4 star hotel) and you can say also you will do your best

    things you might want to take with you:

    *your CV - this is a must.

    *photographs - passaport size

    *biro - you might need to fill in an application while you are in the hotel waiting for the interview, esp if this is a group interview

    *school leaving certificate - as you are still 15

    *food handling certificate - if you have it... if you dont better apply to do it because you will need it.  some require the A certificate, while others the B one - ask the interviewer which one is required

    i say dont bother too much to bring your other certificates containing school marks...  you dont need to have a big brain to work as a waiter.

    your attitude is also important - dress appropriately... you can go with jeans, just make sure they are clean.  if your hair is dyed, try to dye it a natural colour before the interview.  also try to hide any tatoos you might have.  try not to be pessimistic with your words... it reflects badly on you.  having a positive attitude also helps a lot.

    that's all i have to say to you...  good luck then!

  2. You have to stand out if there are many applicants. I would add that you should explain your passion for food and that whoever gives you the chance, you will be knowledgeable of the cuisine because you love food and serving it to people.  

  3. wear slacks and a nice shirt if you can

    just act friendly and smile. Be prepared for questions like if they ask you what skills you can bring to the job (like you could say that you are reliable, courteous, friendly, etc.....)

    Try not to be nervous and good luck

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