
What should i wear to a Jonas Brothers concert??

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What should i wear to a Jonas Brothers concert??




  1. Omj!! You are soo luckkyyy! :D

    i wish i was going to one of their concertss!

    try these tips:

    1. Covered shoes. You'll be getting them stepped on lots, especially if you plan to be close to the stage. So no flipflops, sandals, etc. Oh and I wouldnt recommend heels either.

    2. T-shirt! You'll boil to death in a sweater. I also think t-shirts are better than tank tops cause people start to sweat >< And I personally don't like being shoulder-to-drenched-shoulder.

    3. Minimal jewellery. Sweatbands and jelly bracelets are fine, but long/dangly jewellery will likely get caught on other people and you'll either end up losing them, or being in pain.

    4. Zipped/tight pockets. Unless you plan to waste time coat-checking your purse (and miss out on getting the best spots Dx) your better off keeping your money/cell/whatever on yourself. So if you have anything with good pockets, preferabley zipper ones so nothing falls out, WEAR IT!

    5. Make sure your make-up is durable ^^ You don't want your mascara to run halfway through!

    6. For bottoms, you can pretty much wear whatever you want: Jeans, shorts, skirt.. Just don't wear like super heavy sweatpants or something that you'll die of heat in x3 And fitted stuff is probly better so as to not get caught on anything..

    7. HAIR! Please do everyone around you a favor if you have really long hair and tie it back. Otherwise it'll get tangled and messy and stick to everyone and ugh. So if its long, either braids or a low ponytail are good. No high ponytail cause it'll end up getting in the face of the person directly behind you >< Short to medium hair you can keep down though!

    hope that helped!

    good luck && have fun!

    i know you will though - i mean it's the JONAS BROTHERS!! ;)


  2. sandals and a loose dress

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