
What should i wear to a funeral? should i bring my kids?is it ok if i dont cry:?

by  |  earlier

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What should i wear to a funeral? should i bring my kids?is it ok if i dont cry:?




  1. BLACK



  2. Anything in dark or somber colors would be appropriate. If you don't want to wear a traditional black, go with something a deep navy color. The clothes should be formal and modest above all (unless it's a New Orleans-style funeral) and definitely not casual. Formal military dress uniforms can also be appropriate.

    Babies and toddlers should probably not attend if you can get someone you trust to look after them. They will not appreciate the importance of the event and can disrupt the mood. If the person was someone close to them (like a friend or relative), and they are old enough to appreciate the fact, then bringing them would be appropriate.

    No one will look badly on you if you don't cry, and fake crying would look worse. As long as you aren't smiling and laughing then no one will be offended. Acting happy during a funeral is considered in bad taste, and even if you can't look solemn an expression of neutrality would be fine.

  3. That depends who died.. if your children are very young. and might make a noise .. don't take them they will get bored and disturb the other mourners who really mourn for the person who passed on if they are older ask the family of the person who died if it's ok to bring your kids along.. it's up to them.. and ask your kids if they are old enough if not .. leave them with someone else and you can't force tears.. and if this is not a person close to you you can wear blue... dark blue or grey.. .or any darker colour but no bright colours out of respect for the person who passed on.. and no jeans.. a grey or dark blue skirt or pants. and a matching jacket will do and you can wear a white blouse underneath if you are not a relative of the family...

  4. I don´t think is nice to bring children to funerals.

    You can wear something black or dark.

    You don´t have to cry if you don´t feel like, even closer family members sometimes don´t cry, so you shouldn´t feel obligated to cry. Even crying doesn´t mean you really care about the person who has departed.

    Being there and being supportive to the family is good enough, and that is not necessary that you cry.

  5. wear something that is appropriate and color BLACK. and don't take your kids if you know they are going to be running around screaming and crying. and you don't have to cry. just show some respect. SORRY about the loss. :'[

  6. if your kids are old enough, yes. wear dull, not-so-happy colors. it's ok to not cry only if you were not close to the deceased or the family of the deceased.

  7. There is no need to be conservative today.......You can wear colours if you wish.Even wear the deceased favourite colour.A funeral does not have to be full on sad.....

    Yes...take your kids...and lf you don't want to cry then that depends on how emotional you may feel at that particular moment in time....

  8. No kids please. Wear something dull. You are not expected to cry, but don't laugh.

  9. Who died?

    (sniff? sniff?)

    God NO! (to all of it)

  10. You should wear something subdued and modest.  It doesn't have to be black but no sequines, no strapless, no bare feet or flip flops.  You're paying your respects, not there to attract attention.  You can bring your kids if they are well behaved and can sit still without making a fuss for an hour.  I personally would not allow young kids to "view" the body if they are having an open casket--I've known too many people who think it is a maturing exercise only to have kids who start having nightmares, get obsessed with death, have other problems because they haven't yet developed the emotional levels to deal with seeing a dead body (it takes some of us a loooong time to deal with it sanely).  If they are fussy and need constant distraction, then better if you hire a babysitter for a couple hours and leave the kids home.  Again, you're paying your respects to you can attend the funeral and then go home rather than going to the internment or whatever other memorial there may be.  And you don't have to cry.  I usually try not to since it tends to sets other folks off but sometimes you just can't help it.  When my granny died, I tried real hard not to cry but I missed her so much already and it just happened.  No one expects people to cry and it's better if you don't force yourself.

  11. I don't have any suggestions as to clothing, but it would probably be fine to bring kids as long as they won't be disrespectful in any way.  Don't worry if you don't cry, I'm sure you won't be the only one.

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