
What should i write/draw on my white pillowcases?

by  |  earlier

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i just painted a huge peace sign on my sheet. and i am going to have aviator sunglass pillowcases. but i have 2 other blank white pillowcases to do something with




  1. You could tye dye them to match your peace sign on your sheets or you could get all your friends to sign them with some colorful sharpies!

  2. well, what kind of stuff do you like? you can put anything on it from quotes you like, or lyrics from your favorite songs.

  3. Use the color from the peace sign or the sunglasses and write the beginning lyrics to an old song:

    "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars..."

    It ties in the aviator glasses and the idea of dreaming.

  4. have like the sides of the pillow embrorder w/ a black lace

  5. maybe u should leave them as they are because it may bleed onto your skin at night when you lay on it. also sometimes less is more. if u add to much it's going to look tacky and less creative.

  6. my face hahahaha

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