
What should i write for my english class journal?

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I have to write in a journal for English class and i have to have 1,000 words per week what could i write about?




  1. countries, states, shopping, money, movies, your friends, your family, animals, parents, grandparents, cars, the jonas brothers, your favorite TV show, when yu done something yu were proud, your best day, your worst day, something yu did over summer. or something yu wished yu done over summer.

  2. 1,000 words a week.. wow.. that's an essay every week. But I would keep it to something that you can rant on about. Whether is your career plans, politics.. ( <--- if you really like that.. 9.9), things that can be controversial: g*y marriage, abortion, racism. It is politics but its fairly easy to write about those topics because their so popular.  

  3. Everything.  Write about what you did, things you experienced.  Anything you found interesting.  Something good you read.  Just write, 1000 words will come out in no time.

  4. Write about anything. Sit down and write a paragraph. Make it nonsense. Make it how much you dislike writing in a journal. If it's completely free just write down any thought that comes to mind.

    (if you're forced into a single topic, it's always fun to pick a moral situation and only include it briefly at the end of an entirely different story that you find more interesting)

  5. I remember my teacher making us do the same thing.  But he always gave us two choices.  These are some of the interesting ones I remember....maybe you might find a few interesting for yourself.

    -If money was no object for one year, what would you do??

    -What is your greatest fear, and why??

    -Do you think life is a journey that is pre determined, or full of chances and choices made by you??

    -If you had a choice to meet your great-great grandparents or your great-great grandchildren, who would you pick and why??

    -Do you think science or art is more influential to society??

    -If you could be any animal, which would you choose and why??

    -What do you think is the "ideal" age??

    -Would you rather have an amazing singing voice, or be tremendously skilled at a musical instrument??

    THat's all I've got for now.....maybe you will use a few of them.

  6. write about yourself and the things you enjoy doing write about your parents and family friends tell about what you did over the summer or even a pet.

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