
What should i write my story about????

by  |  earlier

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there this comp at my school for who can write the best story.

i was thinking something... sad or horror type theme.

there a topic to it though. the topic is dare.

like it could be dare to be different or anything.

but im stuck, i have no idea what to do.

also what is the best way to write a story, how do you start your ideas for a story??

thanks alottttttt.!!

10 points.




  1. I had to do this for my english courswork, i wrote about this lad who got dared in to not talking for a week and he witnessed lots of things happening but wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Best way is to brainstorm possible dares and which would work the best or which you'd most like to write about. The theme of our coursework was to begin the story with the end of the plot, and then go to the start of the story straight after to get the readers thinking. After your first paragraph you put *********** underneath it and then start from the beginning. Good luck, hope you win :) x

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