
What should i write on statement of relationship?

by Guest67028  |  earlier

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I am permanant Australian residence.My wife is in pakistan.She is now applying for spouse visa for Australia. Australian high commission in Pakistan requries a statement of relationship in which they ask to write us that how we both support eachother financialy, socially etc.i dont have any sample statement and not sure what to write down?




  1. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe what they want is for you to write a few words about why you need to be together. If you support her financially, you can state that with her being so far away, it creates a hardship (financially) for you whereas if she were with you, it wouldn't be. You can also state that being apart causes emotional duress/stress in your lives. If you have children together, all the more reason that the family needs to be reunited, so the kids can have both parents with them. Hope this helps.

    Edit: I found this website that explains a bit about how you must prove a sufficient income in order to be able to support your wife. Please read the entire page as it has some good information that should be helpful to you:

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