
What should id do my dog is like combucong but thruogh her mouth almost like her toung is goung crazy?

by  |  earlier

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i dont no what i shuld do she is a chaiwawa and i have had her for nine years and she is like having these spazem things with her mputh and when she has them she put her paws in her mouth as is she is scrathcing her teeth or toung help me please




  1. She may have been stung in the mouth by a wasp or a bee.  Have a look inside her mouth and if you see a sting in there pull it out carefully with a pair of tweezers.  If you have any anti-histamine tablets in the house you can give her one of these immediately.  If things don't improve you really should take her to see a Vet to rule out any underlying cause.  It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to something and not a seizure.

  2. Is there something caught in her mouth, teeth or throat?  You need to check her right away, and if you can get her to a vet right away if she keeps doing it.  

  3. Get her to an emergency vet now. She could be having a stroke, or seizure. She needs veterinary attention right now!

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