
What should invest in for 4th quarter?

by  |  earlier

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I am playing an investing game, I get 100 bucks if I win. I mainly need stable things?




  1. Natural Gas or Gold

  2. kroger brand food sales are way up. the name brand stuff is not selling. also save a lot and discount markets are doing very well right now.

  3. if u mean invest like in a company i would say get some stock in sony its booming now and it should get up quicker in the next couple months get it now while its hot

  4. That depends from day to day, why not keep abreast of the current stock market conditions by listening and watching Bloomberg Financial News or any of the other stock reports, also read the newspaper for information, you'd be surprised what information you can garnish from just the daily newspapers, they give you knowledge and knowledge is power.  I don't think there are any stocks that are 100% stable, if there was, everyone would be investing in them.  I know that when oil goes up in price, I invest in coal, solar and  when the dollar drops in value, I invest in Gold.  You just have to do your homework and try and figure out what stock is going to go up in value and when, then decide how many shares you want to buy of that stock.

  5. Drugs. I mean legal drugs. (stuff like aspirin)

    It is that or entertainment.

    When economies tank the first things to go are construction and manufacturing, the last things to go are entertainment and medicine.

    People who still have money want to feel better and seek out health or amusements.

    Food is another good bet.

    People still need to eat.


    If you find a good robotics or high tech defense contractor you might want to check out that one too.

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