
What should kids learn in preschool? Through out the whole year.?

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Im 17 and considering being a preschool teacher when I "grow up" ha how ever you'd like to say it. But If I was there teacher what would I be responsible for teaching them? Like at the end of the year what all should they now know because of my teaching? like they should know there ABC's count from 1-100? or what? Is it exspected for them to learn how to read and wright or is that like 1st grade stuff? I dont have a kid so I have NO clue from experience!! Maybe you all have kids of your own or are teachers?? Please help!




  1. Apart from the other stuff mentioned, they learn how to behave in a classroom setting.  They have show and tell.  And they learn the importance of sharing and manners.

  2. Three's: to SHARE, cooperate w/ others, wait turn, take turns,

    be away from parent, stand in line, transition from one activity to another, sing simple songs, learn a routine, recognize name, recognize shapes & colors, communicate needs and wants, introduce different sensory expierences

  3. I don't have a kid, but I have a little borther who went there.

    In preschool you play a lot of games, you teach them colours, shapes, numbers, (around 1-10), thiings like that,

  4. i think the kids should learn manners and how to draw and write their name and learn their abc's and learning the basic 1,2,3,4,5 and to learn how to share.

  5. Preschoolers mostly learn their abc's, how to write their name, and of course their shapes. They also learn how to color inside the lines, their colors and  their manners.

  6. Kids should learn to be social and motor skills such as writing their name and counting so they can get ready for K

  7. I'm 11 so i think I'm best to remember this question. I learned my colors, numbers (1-10), alphabet, days of the week, and everyday, we would sit down on the ABC rug and figure out what day it was, year it was, and the time (the teacher always gave us the answer). I know I'm not an adult but i do know stuff about preschool!

  8. Pre school is all about socialization and getting them ready for kindergarden.  You can teach them their abc's, and start counting, matching, working on differences, visual discrimination, shapes, colors, etc.  They can learn how to write their name, just prepare and teach them how to interact with fellow classmates and in social situations.  Keeping hands to them selves, beginning problem solving.  You will do a lot of center work where they will learn how to share and play together and interact with eachother.

    hope that helped

  9. Visit these sites and some of it might help you:

  10. We start with colors, then numbers to 10, shapes and letters of the alphabet.  We also throw in counting to 100, phone numbers, addresses and themes such as fire safety, butterflies, Halloween safety, Recycling

  11. my 3 year old niece is in preschool and she learns how to the alphabet,how to count,how to share,a letter sounds,also how to write a little.

  12. in pre-school, you basicly learn how to interact with objects, people, et cetera , learn colors numbers...its different in all pre-schools.

  13. As a preschool teacher you will be communicating with parents in a variety of way including in writing.  (work on your spelling and grammar).  

    Preschool is a beginning school experience for most children.  They will learn to separate from their parents, often with much assistance from you.  They will also learn how to socialize in a group setting, learning how to take turns, share, use words to resolve problems rather than aggression, problem solving skills and increased attention span.  

    While they are working on mastering these skills they will also be learning many kindergarten readiness skills through play and centers.  They will learn pre reading skills such as visual discrimination, letter recognition, writing name, left-right progression and word-print relationship.  They will learn pre math and science skills such as shape, number and color recognition, sorting, classifying, graphing, counting, and matching.  They will also need to develop fine and gross motor skills through running, climbing, hopping, writing, cutting, and using small manipulatives.

    If done correctly it is a lot of work to be a preschool teacher, making sure that you meet the individual needs of each child, but a very rewarding career.  This is not a career to go into if you are looking for the easy way out.  Not high paying, lots of expenses on your own, but lots of loving little faces smiling at you everyday!

  14. Pretty much what everyone else has said. My third child is in pre-school now. They also learn how to cut with scissors, practice cutting straight and curved lines. Tracing things, Putting together puzzles, how to pay attention, taking turns.

    How to write their name properly with the first letter being capital and the rest lower case.  Sounds the letters make, recognizing numbers and writing them. My son's teacher has little rhymes for the kids to remember how to write the numbers.

    For example: Number one is straight down and stop. Number two is around the track and back.

    The kids have fun with it and it makes it easy for them to remember.

  15. just basic stuff like learning their colors, shapes, ABCs, and some of their #s, and write their name.  Thats the type of stuff i learned in preschool.  good luck!

  16. Oh my goodness, there is so much that they will learn from their preschool experience. First they need to learn to play with others, be comfortable in the classroom and feel ownership for it. Not to be selfish but to be proud of it and take care of their classroom supplies etc. They should become self-sufficient. Know how to ask for help,get their own supplies such as scissors, glue, markers, paper etc. Be able to use these supplies in the proper way. Being able to know there are colors, shapes, numbers and letters. Yes they might know many of these or all of these by the end of the year. Plus they might know how to count and write their name and many of the other pre-writing and pre-reading activities. They will know how to share and how to respond to both children and teachers. Be able to play in centers with more than two other children. Follow rules and enjoy playground and music movement. Most of all they will learn how to learn and that school is somewhere that they want to be. Academics comes when a child is comfortable and is ready for these things. He has to feel safe in his environment too.

  17. I taught preschool for 10 years, I went above and beyond but the parents loved it and it is what my my preschool so popular.  I taught the kids to count in english and spanish to 10, They could all count to 100 in english, they knew some sign launguage, their abc's and what sounds they make, sight words, Write their name and be able to write all of the alphabet.  We learned songs, shapes, colors, how to share, be respectful.  Structure is important.  Highreach learning has excellent curriculium.

  18. they should learn how to go to school like normal kids

  19. Before the academics children need simply to learn how to socialize and problem solve.  These are not things that can necessarily be taught the same way that the academics are.  Children need oppertunities to interact in order to learn problem solving and social skills.  Children who do not understand the social part of school have a difficult time learning the academics.  So one of the biggest goals for my class is that children can interact with each other and learn how to solve a problem together.  The children in my class work hard on writing their names and knowing all the letters in their names.  I work on them recognizing the lower case and upper case letters.  Most of them do better with the upper case.  I would say that children in preschool do not count to 100.  This is not really important that they can do this. Some centers might focus more heavily on the academics, but this is not what is best for the child.  Just because they can rote recall all the information, does not mean that they know what it means.

  20. abc's written and orally , names of the colors and coloring , numbers till 20 written and orally  , reading very simple 3 or 4 letter words, days of the week , some nursery rhymes, sharing and playing together

  21. How to write and other basic needs in the real-world.

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