
What should kitten's diet be?

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We took in a stray kitten from my husband's job (he was left behind and was almost dead) when he was a few weeks old. He is now 3 months old, but has very runny bowel movements. This is the 1st time we have owned a kitten. I give him dry kitten food daily, and also give him a little wet food once a day. Every other day I give him a little bowl of KMR. What should he be eating to get all the nutrients he needs? He really enjoys the KMR, how long can he be on it? I would think his bowel movements would be harder by now.




  1. you shuldn't give him wet cat food yet. thats what the problem is. the same happened for my friends cat.

  2. Hi there... please no Pepto Bismol as it contains salicylic acid (Aspirin) which is lethally toxic to cats.  See:

    Chances are the KMR is causing the diarrhoea symptoms in your kitten and should be discontinued and served fresh water only.  KMR is normally administered to kittens up to the 6 weeks sometimes a couple weeks more.

    Wet food actually helps with hydration since it is moist so continue with  this diet.  Dry food can exacerbate the diarrhoea symptoms.  When the kitten can eat dry food, be sure to gradually change the food as any sudden changes will cause bowel distress and the end result again, will be diarrheoa.  Here's a chart on how to make the gradual change:

    Your kitten also may have intestinal parasites which is very common in all kittens and the symptoms is generally diarrhoea.  Therefore it is important to have your cat evaluated medically to be treated with dewormers and antibiotics if it is coccidia or giardia.   See the following website for more information regarding the intestinal parasites:

  3. The runny bowel movements are caused by giving the kitten wet food. At three months old, not much wet food is needed. Try reducing the amount of wet food you give your kitten each day. As for dry food, I suggest using Science Diet. They use all-natural substances while excluding horse meat and other harmful products. At the animal shelter when a kitten needs nutrients, we pour a little bit of goat milk onto their wet food and mix it in. Check with your vet about what brand of goat milk you should use or if you should use it at all. Good luck!

  4. Actually a vet would recommend you ONLY feed him wet food. As for the loose bowels, he can be nervous or be adjusting to the food. My advice (previously given by a vet) dip your finger in pepto bismal see if the kitten will l**k it off. Just a little bit - the tip of your pinky. If he will not eat it, dip your finger into the pepto then into his food to get him to take both at the same time. Do this twice a day and you should start seeing improvements.

    Try weaning him off the KMR and start trying moist food with chunks in it. Nothing hard yet though. Most vets actually want you to avoid dry food even for adult cats, but to each his own as far as that goes. Good luck. I've owned many kittens and have had this problem more than once.  

  5. Dry premium kitten food is the best bet for it.  

    The runny bowel movements could be from giardia sp?) or coccidiosis.  Does it have a butterscotch color?  Is there any red blood in it?  Strange odor?  All those things are signs of those infections.  Your vet can probably identify them from a stool sample.  I always try to have some albon or flagil around to treat them if/when this happens.

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