
What should me and my boyfriend do?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13 years old and 3 months and my boyfriend are really happy together and we think we are doing the right thing..........i dont want to give away the baby because we already know that it is a boy and we are naming him Dylan Burdick........and we plan to get married when we get out of high school.........i even have a ring...........but we want some advice...........are we doing the right thing.........or should we give the boy a better life.............

oh and if this helps we are both part of pretty wealthy families




  1. Are you ready to put your child above yourself and your needs? Can the two of you work things out even when you are sure the other is wrong? Are you willing to give up the teen years you've barely entered and be a mother for the rest of your life? Is there someone you trust that can watch him while you go to schooL Because you must finish high school, for yourself and your son. this won't be easy, don't fool yourself. It will be a long lesson in patience, frustration you cannot express, sleepless nights, and always wondering if you are doing the best for your kid. All those things I just mentioned will happen irregardless of your age, but your age will make it harder. In your shoes I know what I'd do, but you have to make your own choice. Because of your age, your parents opinions matter too. Whatever you decide, make sure its the best choice for your child (keeping the child or adoption could both be best options depending on the details).

  2. If your only 3 months pregnant, you don't know its a boy yet...sorry.

    I think your two young personally. Its too late now of course, just see how things go after you have the baby.


    WAIT! in your question 2 days ago you didn't even mention being pregnant. If you didn't know two days ago, theres definitly no way you could have found out what your having - - anyway - you would have mentioned that two days ago! And btw, I'm pregnant...blah blah blah.

    Your a troll! Go get a hobby! Apparently hes sleeping with someone else, according to your question 2 days ago.

  3. I thought he broke up with you two days ago?


  4. It does not matter if you are both from wealthy families, who is going to take care of the baby while you are at school. you are only 13 yrs old, what do your parents say.  i had a cousin in you position  and she thought she was going to be able to go back to school after wards she was wrong and ended up with 2 more children before she turned 18. i think that it would be better if you gave this baby up so that you can finish you education. you can also request time to time updates on the baby's progress. it will be no time before this child is 18 and  could come looking for you. i know i have a child that is going to be 17 and she will be looking to understand  why, who.  just because you have money does not mean stability.

  5. If yall think that you can give the baby a good life and support him and love him then keep it, bc it's a sad situation when the child is 4 years old and you do not want him anymore.. Believe me I know my boyfriends sister is doing that now and she doesnt want her 4 year old daughter and the child doesn't understand why she is going to live with her grandmother.  Just make sure you can provide all that the baby needs

  6. Well, the two of you should have a conversation with both parents...hopefully after the yelling stops, both sets of parents talk rationaly and the 6 of you can talk it over, and what would be best....

  7. Wow....their is no right or wrong answer to your question as this is YOUR child and YOUR decision. I will start off by saying that being a parent is NO EASY task but is very rewarding in the end. I had my first when I was 18 and although it was much easier than what other people said, it was still hard. You will have to stay up all night with the baby and go to work or school the next morning basically running on fumes....your life as you know it is over, the baby will be your life. You run a very high chance of being a single mom as the father is not tied to you or the child in any way and can easily pick up an leave (sorry but that is usually how it is). If your parents are willing to help and support whatever you choose, this may be a little easier for you. Giving the baby up...this may or may not give the child a better life. I mean what do you think finding out you were adopted would do to you, your self esteem and your life? It may crush you! I am very happy to see that abortion is not a thought. Kudos for givign this child a life...whether with you as mom or someone else. Children are a pain at times, but nothing short of a blessing and a mircle from God. I love my 2 little girls with everything i have and I could not imagine life without them. All you have to ask yourself is...are you ready to give up your childhood and grow up ASAP and be a parent? No more partying, no friends...Are you ready??? It is one huge responsibility. Good luck and God Bless!!

  8. 13 LOL

    Well your parents would probably end up taking care of the kid anyways I mean you are a Baby yourself! lol

    No car

    no license

    no heath insurance

    no house of your own

    no income - 13 you can't even legally get a job in the US

    lol Yeah I definitely think you are ready and mature to have a child - NOT

    good luck, should have thought about all of this before you decide at 13!! to have unprotected s*x! or even s*x for that matter!

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