
What should my 16th birthday present be?

by  |  earlier

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I just had my 16th birthday a bit ago. I really like to play games so I was thinking of getting a PS3 but on the other hand I really like to listen to music so I was thinking of an iTouch.




  1. thank your mom, and your parents for giving birth to you.. make it special for them chores or somethin.

  2. I was thinking an apple, oh wait, I can't afford one!

  3. car.

    all the way.

    or do something nice.


    you could do something nice, while using a car?

  4. you can add both of those items together and put that down on a car...and get some chicks.... your 16!!!!

  5. Isn't it obvious lol?? a car. but if you're not into that kind of thing a ps3 or wii always works as well.

  6. ok if you have a regular ipod then get the ps3 because its tons of fun and you can connect your ipod to it and listen to music while you play games. but if you don't already have an ipod then you should get the ipod touch and then have your parents get you the ps3 for christmas

    hope i helped

  7. You will not like my answer, but I will tell you anyways.  I tell every young kids this lesson my grandfather told me but I did not listen, until I was 26yrs old.  It cost me 128,000.

    If you put 2,000 dollar away in an a Roth IRA today, when you are 46 you will have 128,000. for your retirement. Sometime we have to sacrefice today to really get something important later.  

  8. I don't know about you but for my 16th birthday i want a car !!!!


  9. How about volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?  That will be your present to those less fortunate.

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