
What should my boyfriends nickname be?

by Guest59334  |  earlier

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me and my bf decided to come up with nicknames for each other and we'll tell each other but i just can't seem to come up with one for him. his name is Sawyer. my aunt says he looks like harry potter but i don't wanna call him that. help plz! cuz hes gonna come up with a great nickname for me, and i want him to like the one i come up with him too. i was thinking doodlebug, cuz he loves to draw and is awesome at it. or browneyes cuz he has the most beautiful brown eyes i have ever seen!




  1. baby.

  2. omg!!! doodlebug!!! lol no nono stick with harry potter..H.P ! or just harry  thats cute!! and not brown eyes!! how old r u guys 13??? call em bubba thats what i call my man he loves it

  3. hahaha... if he looks like harry potter you could call him "lightning"

    although that's the cornyiest thing i've ever said... but maybe it'll work for you..

  4. Since he likes to draw and has brown eyes, why dont you call him doodlebrown instead of doodlebug.

  5. Haha awwe that's so cute. My suggestion is to call him boo face.

  6. pookey

  7. Schmoopty?

  8. his name is 'sawyer'. hahahaha

    his parents must have had a sense of humor

    call him john ford, the guy from lost

  9. Nicknames are actually hard to come by.  They usually come by something happening out of the blue.  Good Luck.  

  10. Browneyes!

  11. You should think about one your self because it'll mean a lot more!  If someone tells you what nickname to give him then it wont be as special.

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