
What should my calorie intake be if i wanted to continue to lose weight?

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I'm 5"6 and 126lbs

I'm 16 and female

I go swimming once a week and gym twice a week for an hour each time.

What should my calorie intake be to lose 2lbs a week?




  1. I would say around 1400 calories. I'm also 5"6 although i am 14 and about 105 lbs and I eat around 1600 calories a day to mantain a stable weight, and do about the same amount of exercise as you. Good luck losing it, although you don't really sound like you need to! :)

  2. That's a very quick rate of weight loss considering that your weight is already toward the low side of the normal range.

    But that's up to you. If you really want to do it, here's the answer. I consulted the weight loss calculator at LoseFatPronto, and found that for your weight and activity level you would have to eat about 1215 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week.  

  3. The advice is between 1500 and 1800 a day to lose weight.

  4. Google BMR calculator, then use a website to find out how many calories you burn from swimming and working out. Add them up and eat 500 calories less than that to lose weight. 1 pound is probably a little bit safer because you don't want to eat too few calories per day. Don't go below 1200-1300 (use to keep track of nutrients/cals) or else your body will eat muscle and store fat.

    You should try to workout more than 3 times a week, try running/jogging for 30-60 minutes on 3 of the off days, then leave like sunday for rest.

    Eat 6 meals spaced 2-3 hours apart, it keep your metabolism fast which keeps you active and burns more calories than skipping meals or eating 3. Drink lots of water, no soda/beer/juices. Lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains for carbs instead of processed foods, get protein from lean skinless sources (chicken or turkey breast)

  5. Maintenance: 1655 Calories/day

    Fat Loss Range:  1324 Calories/day

    However at 5' 6" your BMI is 20.3 with normal being 18.5-24.9 so you are on the thin side of normal.  So technically you do not need to lose any weight at all!

    I know body images are completely screwed up these days.  you are looking at images in magazines, and thinking those are normal.  They aren't.  Really!  they are airbrushed to with in an inch of their lives.  if you can, watch the TV show "How to look good naked"  very helpful with body image!

  6. It's great you're taking such good exercise - but remember that weight loss during teenage years should be done carefully - what i'm saying is, don't diet to the detriment of your body.

    Calorie counting is overrated - to shed the lbs, first cut out all the refined high-fat/sugar junk. Products like biscuits and crisps are evil, avoid them!

    Secondly, replace the junk with fruit and vegetables. These are not only delicious, but full of vitamins and antioxidants which will make your skin glow.

    Thirdly, reduce your portion sizes. Eat only what you know you'll burn, and then maybe just a little less.

    Here's a great teen diet guide:

    At least then you'll know the foods you should be eating!

    Good luck

  7. i think 1000 to 1200cals a day to lose 2lbs a week.

    i had to eat 1300 to 1500cals a day to lose 2lbs a week and i'm almost 200lbs.

    i did not pull these numbers out of the air but researched what calorie intake should be.

    it fairly easy to figure out for yourself. just set a calorie intake for a week of the same number of calories per day and record what you eat.

    then when you weigh yourself you can determine whether to go up or down in calories.

    you might lose 2lbs a week eating over 1200cals a day but i doubt it.

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