
What should my child do for a science fair?

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My daughter is 8 and we are trying to find an idea for her science fair.




  1. Make a volcano!

  2. make a homemade soap. (beauty soap is more catchy and you can add igredients like green tea or any fruit or flower oil)...

  3. Don't do a volcano, they are so common. I am 11 and just got entered in te science state fair with my project, do The Effects of Baking Soda and Vinegar. Get 6 balloons and blow up three, time yourself while doing so. Then for the next three balloons, put baking soda and vinegar in them and then low them up with the vinegar and baking soda in it. Time yourself. Then make graphs on them.

  4. I did a project on weather patterns in elementary school and won third place in my science fair.  It was pretty cool and different than the usual volcanoes people make.  Not trying to be mean, I'm just saying they're very common.

  5. Your daughter is just 8 years old so u could do like that u'r daughter can understand and it will teach u'r daughter something special and other to.

    Global warning is one of the best topic ,make a chart about this topic and make u'r daughter understand about Global warning.

  6. Global warming is a hot topic at the moment

  7. What brand of microwavable popcorn leaves the most unpopped kernels?

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    Consider doing a social science project, they are fun.  For example,

    What is the favorite vegetable among 8 year old girls?

    What is the most popular favorite color among 3rd graders?

    She can quiz all of her friends.

    Keep in mind that grading on the projects is also based on originality.  Don't do something that is so common like a volcano.  That isn't original.  Have her do something that is of interest to HER.  Something she wants to know the answer to. Remember, science projects must answer a question.  Use the scientific method.

  8. I have heard that watering plants with water that has been microwaved will kill the plants due to radiation.   That might be an easy hypothesis for your child. Good luck.

  9. I heard one the other day where you bake 4 batches of chocolate chip cookies, each time leaving out a different ingredient, and then display the results.  E.g. what happens when you leave out the baking soda?  What if you leave out the egg?

  10. a volcano. seriously. u just mix up bicarb n some other stuff n theres ure eruption. google it :) xxxx

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