
What should my child know before starting pre-school?

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My littlest boy is starting prep (pre-school) next year. His older brothers and sisters both knew how to count up to 20, say their abc's and knew their colors when they started - but he doesn't - he is bright enough - but we just haven't had the time to spend with him as we did with them...

He starts in February 2008. What can I do over the next 4 months to help him "quick-learn" these basic skills?




  1. i dont think you should worry about how much he knows.

    as long as he can talk thats pretty much all eh needs.

    hes going to be taught everything thats essential for his age group when his there, so dont you worry. :)

    i mean come on, there has to have been some kids that have went to pre-school not knowing anything. everyone learns at a different pace so yuo cant expect him to know something he hasn't been taugh, let them teach him. it is there job. :)

  2. Try to make up games with the skills. If he likes sweets, let him have sweets. If he likes anything, offer to give him that. Basically, give him a reason he would want to learn.

  3. you need to spend a bit more time with him. every one gave you good answers. don't worry. all children learn at their own pace. there are lots of learning toys out there. pick up a game called memory. this should help.  while the other kids are in school is the perfect time to teach him. also ask your family that is not too busy if the can help you to . especially if you are a working mom and some of your family is retired. this also gives them time with their grand child.

  4. They will learn a lot in pre-k such as letters and spelling and things.   If you want to help him be prepared for this you can  get one of those magnadoodles. You can start working on how to spell his name, if you want to.  While you are going places you can say," Door  starts with a d." or  say what things are. You can also put the magnadoodle in the car and he can draw without it getting on anything. You can ask him about what he thinks of things when you are going places. Ask him what color things are just to review things.  There are sing along cd's and dvd's that really help them learn a lot so even if you can't spend a lot of time working on it he will learn some .

  5. without bothering too much on academic learning, try to inculcate joys of sharing, being comfortable in others company, be curious to observe new things.

  6. The best thing you can do is teach him to respect the teachers ,and how to behave away from home for many hours per day , then worry about counting ,and abc's

  7. Don't worry too much about academics.  He probably knows more than you think he does!  Read to him as often as you can, and let him see you reading, even if it's just the newspaper.  Make sure he knows his name, first and last if possible.  It's good if he knows mom and dad's names too, not just "mom and dad."  It would also be a good idea to teach him the name of the street he lives on.  You've probably already taught him to say please and thank you, and hopefully to listen respectfully when someone else is talking.  Don't push too much with the academics because you don't want him to start school with a negative attitude toward learning.  Just read to him, talk with him, and keep a positive attitude toward school!

  8. just tell them not to be afarid, and that everyone will be nice good people. also remind them to share with others, and to do what their teacher tells them. they can be overly hyper sometimes. also tell them to talk to other people and to be nice to others. And when i say to talk to people, i mean their teacher and children in their class or school. make sure to tell them not to talk to strangers, and to wait for u to come get them. i hope they enjoy preschool, i sure did!

  9. u should let him learn in  a little fun way the following things


    -alittle counting (at least up to 15 or so)

    -how to respect a teacher and the people that surround him

    -u have to make him learn his colors, try m&m's if he wont eat  them first

    -how to hold a pencil

    -u have to show him how to color. that is like the only thing preschoolers do,

    -how to make friends

  10. call a school they can give you a list

    academic, social and motor skills (like jumping on one foot)are on the list

  11. Well, first they have to walk and talk of course, but also teach them respect.  Teach them that they can have a fun time even when his/her parents aren't there to baby them.  If you don't they might cry everyday that you drop them off.  I remember there was a girl in kindergarten, it took her 5 months to get over her parents leaving her at school.  If you are worried that your kids don't know the numbers or alphabet, don't.  I didn't learn until I got into pre-school or kindergarten, so don't worry about it.

  12. All he really needs to know is his name,how to act in a group, wait his turn, listen to the adults and separate from you. Oh, and go to the bathroom by himself. Everything else is extra. You can introduce the other stuff but don't feel you have to force feed it to him.

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