
What should my child know by the age of three?

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What should my child know by the age of three?




  1. Depending on the child it could be a wide range of things.  It would be great if he knew his alphabet (the song), to count to 10, a few basic colors and his shapes. He should understand basic 3 step instructions (stand up, walk over and touch the door and come back and sit down), be able to play with one or more friends, share (most of the time), sit an listen for at least 5 minutes. By the end of the third year when he is turning four he should recognize his own name in print, possibly be able to form most of his first name, know a few random letters (all of them would be great), count to 15, know all his colors and shapes, share, follow 4 step instructions, listen for 15 minutes.

    Some kids will know all these things, others will know nothing.  All kids grow and learn at a different rate.  If you are concerned speak to your pediatrician.

  2. Walking, and a few words and maybe potty training


  3. Well, I've ask this question myself and I've found that by this age kids should be learning colors, shapes, letter recognition, manners, potty training, if not already. All kids learn at their own pace. I've heard of kids learning how to write their own names by 3, but don't compare. But if you are diligent about him getting ahead. Ask a first grade teacher what they are teaching in class to get a feel of what the older kids are doing and compare to what your son already knows. You'll be surprised to learn that they aren't doing any advanced reading and writing. Labeling objects around the house with the words associated ie. chair, table, clock, etc. will get him familiar with words & their sounds. Turn it into a game "name that object." Alot of preschool activities are supposed to help develop basic skills for later learning. Unless your child just sits around and stare at the wall, he's learning and absorbing everything from you and whatever else he's exposed to.

  4. not about s*x

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