
What should my favorite color be?

by  |  earlier

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i am stuck between which color is my favorite, the rainbow is just so beutiful, it reminds me of pretty ponys on a bright sunny day. i like red orange yellow green blue and purple, which is the best...please help!




  1. You don't have to have a FAVOURITE colour. You can just like all the colours but if I had to pick one blue.

  2. I dont have a favorite color. Just don't choose one, and if people ask you say you don't have a favorite color. You'll be a lot more original, few people will say they don't have a favorite color. All colors look just as good by themselves.

  3. What is the purpose of picking just one? All of the colors express wonderful emotions and concepts. Have favorite color combinations for different things and you will find that your palette will evolve and change as you do.

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