
What should my first steps be in order to start an acting carrer in baltimore MD.?

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i need some sources something to get me started...where can i find work? i mean i am an 18 year old male...if John Travolta can be a women in a film, i should be able to find some kind of work without nearly to none exsperience....?right...




  1. Let me answer your question with a question...If you were asked to audition for a film, do you feel confident in your on-camera abilities.  If not, I would start with an Acting for the Camera class - check the references of your teacher to make sure they know what they are talking about.  Then you need a professional looking headshot that you can send to agents - there used to be an agency that had offices both in DC and Baltimore, but you can check the SAG website for reputable agencies in your area.  You should also be working on monologues - you will need 2 contrasting pieces for most acting auditions, and they usually run between one and three minutes each.  How's that for a start?  It's a lot of work to get "discovered"...they have to know you are there before they can discover you!!

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