
What should my friend do? GCSE results?

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Well yes, firstly I wanna know what you all got! I got;

A* English Literature

A English Lanuage

A English Media

B Mathematics

B Science

B Resistant Materials

C Additional Science

C Religious Education

C ICT DiDA (my teacher for this was awful and the course sucks which is why my grade is only a C)

Anyway, quite proud of my results. At our school you need 5 C's to get into sixth form, and my friend only got 4. What do you think his chances are of getting in? I know I'm in cos I got well over 5 C's, but it'd be such a shame for him to not go to sixth form with me




  1. I'm so jealous of your A* for Eng Lit.  a lot of people in my year also got lower for it. so well done for that!

    i got 10A*s and 1A(for eng lit).

    it depends on your school if a lot of ppl actually meet the 5 C requirement. If not a lot, then i guess your friend's chances will be boosted.

  2. I got 5 As and 4 Bs which i'm pretty pleased about...  

  3. Well done!!

    Usually if you go to the interview andtell them you will work extremely hard then they may let you in :) x*x

  4. Ive done ****! But i have been moved around alot. I was in top set at my old school but my last school i didnt realy learn much. Any way i got english lang-c english lit-c drama- b science-e maths-g art-c :-(

  5. im sure he will get in i did last yr and i was a  grade'll be suprised to see lots of people get on courses even when they didnt get the proper qualifications.

    oh and congratulations!

  6. wow ur results are good, i got:

    Resistance Materials - A

    English Lang - B

    English Lit - B

    Art nd Design - B

    Science A - B

    Additional Applied Science A - C

    Maths - C

    Music - C

    Citizenship - C

    ICT - C

    RE - D

    Drama -D

    your friend could still get into his sixth from

    he will have to attend a meeting with the head of sixthfrom

    they sometimes make exceptions

  7. I got:

    A* Religious Studies

    A French

    A Spanish

    A ICT

    A English

    A English Literature

    A History

    B Maths

    C Science

    C Additional Science

    1A*, 6 As, 1 B, 2 Cs

    I thank God! To God be the glory!

  8. Your friend will still be able to go.

    However he'll probably have to study 3 A-levels and retake a GCSE instead of studying four A-levels.

  9. i got 8A*s and 2As i'm sooooooo happy!!!

    your friend should apply anyway and could he retaake any exams next year then he can get the grades? they are more likely to let him in if he has the grades in the subjects he's taking next year

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