
What should my girlfriend do, or what should i do???

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its a long story..

so my girlfriend was telling me the other day about how her mom hit her, then it grew like a week later to both of her parents hitting her, and now i can see like bruises all over her. I kept on telling her she needed to tell a counselor or someting, shes only a junior in High school, and one day she did, and she didnt go home because she was afraid of her parents. I stayed with her that day at her friends house, and her dad tried to assault his way into the house to get her, but we didnt let him. she was crying the whole time. The next day she talked to social workers and they said her only other option was to move to her closest relatives 5 states over, which is not a really good option seeing as though shes finishing up high school. She also looked at Emancipation, but they said she didnt have a good case and it probobly wouldnt work. She decided to try one more time with her parents, and i told her when she decided that it was a bad idea because abusive parents dont just Stop.. and she argued so i let her do it. About a week later she called and told me her mom hit her and then pinned her down on the floor because her mom told her she couldnt go to a friends house she had been promised, and she said "Whatever" and her mom like attacked her. She ran out of the house and went to my friends house at like 1 in the morning when this all happened, and i went over to talk to her. She kept complaining about her face hurting from where her mom had hit her, and it hurt me just to see her crying like that. In the morning she went back to her house, and her parents had packed up all of her things and told her to get out, and wouldnt let her go in to get some things she had that wern't packed. She went to stay at a friends house. Its better that she is there becaue she is away from the abuse, but i can see the look in her eyes, she trys to ignore it, but it hurts that her family like rejected her, She dosn't know what shes going to do, but i cant stand to see her go through all this pain beacuse her parents are... i wont say it but you know what i mean. I dont know what to do. Shes only 16, and im only 17.. i dont know what to do, please any help would be Appreciated very much!




  1. It sounds like she's in a good, safe living situation at her friend's house, so it's excellent that she's getting the opportunity to live there.

    It also sounds like you're doing an excellent job being there for her when she needs you the most--but this is also a situation that's larger than you can handle. It's a good idea to get her to a counselor, but make sure first that the counselor won't try to get her removed to her relatives' house in another state--she has a satisfactory living situation going on right now.  

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