
What should my hamster eat, and how to know what your hamster is allergic to something?

by  |  earlier

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My hamster is quite fat for a dwarf hamster. I know hamsters are suppose to be a bit fat and cute like that, but i think its too much. Also my hamster has green p**p a lot, but its not really smooshy. am i feeding my hamster too much greens, and my hamster doesn't exercise a lot (i leave the wheel in there 24/7 , except when i clean the cage). my hamster does NOT run on it, only for like 5 min a day.

Can some give me a clear list of taking care of my hamster, a distinguishable(is it a word or you spell it like this) list of food my hamster should eat and not eat? and help me find a way to tell what my hamster is allergic to , if it is?

i'm not looking for a website where i have to browse everywhere to find it. I'm tired of googling it.




  1. your hamster wont be allergic to something that all of his kind arent prome to. (all of them have.) if you go to the pet store you can find a special hamster blend that has everything your hammie needs. unfortunaltly the  green p**p could mean wet tail. witch is a desease that some hamsters get. if you dont get treatment FAST then your poor hammie will die of it. i had a hamster die of it once and that was the only symptom she had and by the time i reserched it it was too late.

  2. Feed your hamster plenty of fruits and veggies thats always a good mix.

    Also you can occasionally give them a meal worm or cricket.

    Also remember not o give them hamster treats too often. Your hamster could have an upset stomach.

    Also feed it pleanty of seeds like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

    Hamsters need plenty of protein too.

    I hope this helps! :)

    Cutie Loves hamsters <3

  3. This is a good site to check out to see if you are feeding your hamster correctly.

    What's possibly happening is that you're giving your hammie too much fatty food (making him fat) and you are giving him too much fruits/veggies which is making his stool green and runny.

    You should be feeding your hamster a hamster specific food mix, not a mix that can be given to GPs, gerbils and hamsters as the food in the mix usually is too large for a hamster.  Anything in addition to the mix should be given only in moderation, not instead of.  Think of the fruits and veggies more like a healthy treat than something you give them a lot of.

    Here's a list of items you shouldn't give your hammie:

    Do Not Feed Your Hamster:


    Apple Seeds


    Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, etc.)



    Kidney* or red beans







    Junk food designed for humans (chocolate, chips, etc.)

    Sticky/sharp food as these may cause trouble in your hamster's cheek pouch.

    Sweet and oily food as they causes obesity.

    Vegetables and other high moisture content food should be fed in moderation to prevent diarrhea.

    Although hamsters are omnivorous, it is better and healthier to stick with a vegetarian diet. Some books had also suggested that consuming meat encourage the cannibalism of young by adult hamsters.

    Here's some other sites to check out:

  4. i think the best thing you can do is to to take she/he to the vet!

  5. when i  bought my dwarf they told me not to feed them raw onions garlic or beans. one of my dwarfs runs constantly, the other doesn't, it's just a personality thing i guess.

  6. too many fruits and vegetables can cause their stool to be loose. try to avoid giving them too much lettuce and cabbage as well as it can give them diarrhea. some good vegetables for hamsters are carrots, celery, or cucumbers. the occasional apple or small bits of banana would probably do as treats as well. just avoid giving him the apple seeds because they are poisonous to hamsters. as far as food goes, hamster and gerbil mix should do just fine for him and is pretty cheap to buy but once you find a food that your hamster likes, stick to it because a sudden change in diet could cause them to have loose stool again. as far as exercise, try getting your hamster a run-about ball to play in. most hamsters really enjoy them. let him run in it for about 20-30 minutes each day (supervised) and he should start to lean down a bit. allergies are hard to distinguish in hamsters though....some tend to be allergic to bedding and others can develop allergies to food. the best way to tell if your hamster is allergic is to watch for changes in behavior. if it starts sneezing or scratching a lot more then usual then it maybe the type of bedding that you are using not the food. hamsters rarely develop allergies to food. i hope this helps and answers your questions.

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