
What should my husband and I do tomorrow evening?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is taking our kids overnight tomorrow night and my husband and I don't know what to do. Though I'd love to go out for a nice romantic dinner we flat out don't have the funds and are way too tired! I don't eat pizza (lactose intolerant) but was maybe thinking chinese takeout and a movie. Other ideas? Right now it's 113 degrees outside...and in the evenings cools off to about 95




  1.   Take him out for dinner. No need to be expensive but do something very unusual for women:pay the bill.

  2. Go skinny dipping

  3. you should go skinny dipping.

    and then do it in the pool :D

  4. get a few movies from the redbox $1.00 each order in some chinese and cuddle up and watch some movies... romance doesn't always have to be WOW'd  

  5. Chinese take out and a big bottle of wine at home.  After that the rest of the evening should take care of itself.

  6. Stay in for a candlelit dinner...crank up the air conditioning and do what you want in your birthday suit!!!  Besides, you can't do that when the kids are home so go for it!!!

  7. go to the movies a romantic one if you find that or better just chill at home get some candles, make a simple meal by candle light, take a relaxing bath, light some more candles put on some music get out the massage lotion, and start touching one another then let nature take over

  8. Salad and dips, a few candles, incense...that sort of thing...

  9. Go see a Comedy show after dinner! They are a blast and laughter is the best medicine!

  10. i agree with ricky, skinny dipping sounds awesome!

  11. Turn the a/c way down and then s***w your brains out from dusk to dawn.

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