
What should my kid bring to elementary school so she wont get bored?

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she wants to bring somthing really small to school to help her think you know to remind her but she doesnt want the teacher to think she has somthing to just play with. oh yeah shes in 4th grade. thanks!




  1. play dough

    I used to hold and play with playdough in one hand and write with the other

  2. Um nothing...she is going to school, not a party.  Hey she is in the fourth grade no real need for comfort items at this age....dont let her play you like this.

    If there is freetime you might suggest she read a book.  If she just wants something might let her pick out some new pencils, or pretty folders to take ......But no toys!!!!!

  3. I would not let her bring anything to school.  I would talk to the teacher and tell her your concerns, and the teacher will give her extra work to do, maybe even for extra credit.  or I would ask the teacher, if my daughter has any down time, could she go to the library and read or something.  Maybe she could help the teacher by grading some papers, putting together some papers for her, etc.

  4. i would say nothing. even something tiny might distract her and her grades may suffer.

  5. I would be very careful not to send toys but I would try to jazz up her day a little to help her get through the end of the day.  I would first take her to buy a couple new books to read during down time.  I would also go to a school supply store and let her pick out a bunch of new fun pencils, erasers, and twistable colored pencils.  The same old routine does get boring and doing fun things like sticking jokes in her lunch box and buying a few new school supplies should liven things up enough for her to be motivated for the rest of the year!

  6. She really shouldn't bring anything but what is required.  If she is bored, she might be a "tag" who excells beyond her grade level.  If that is so, then she might need more advanced work to do.  If is bored because she is like my mother used to say, "It takes a boring person to be bored."  It's harsh, but has merrit.  ;)

  7. She's not in school to play with things, she is in school to pay attention, if she needs to be reminded to pay attention then maybe her attention span needs to be evaluated

  8. alright, one palecheese, no offense. its a kid. they dont need a stress ball. your just being a fool, but back to the subject. have them bring drawing paper and pancils to draw. or bring a favorite book. or a book each day(the can learn while they read it). or a coloring book perhaps. my daughter loves sticker books. you'll fugure it out. you sound like a hands on parent. keep up the good thinking. seems like most of the people who answered your question above me are real jackasses.

  9. She could bring a stress ball (you can even make one out of a balloon and some flower) or else give her a special bracelet that she can wear to focus on.

    Jonwhatever - you are quite rude and obviously in need of some manners.  When I was in elementary school we made them as a class activity in the third grade - maybe your teachers were unimaginative, but mine weren't.

  10. Sorry but she is in fourth grade so while she should have fun, she is also there to learn. Tell her the toys are for when she gets home. Tell her she can use pencils, paper and markers only.

  11. That sounds like she hates school but doesnt know how to tell you. Ask her about it.

  12. Kids love things that go bang, but your fourth grader may not be able to handle the recoil from a full powered .45 semiautomatic. For this reason, it is much more responsible to give your 4th grader a .32 semiautomatic. You get a bang, sure, but the ammunition is cheaper, and I guarantee your child will never, EVER get bored again!

    Hope I could help!

  13. have her write in a journal so she can let her feelings out

  14. Laptop

  15. me thinks something wrong here   supposed to learn not be bored, the time i went to a fast food restaurant,, electricity went off and the girls could not add  with pencils the manager gave them whoa something wrong here

  16. Why would she be bored?  She shouldn't be able to bring a thing!  If she finishes work early, she could read a book, organize her desk or folders, or color quietly at her desk.  She shouldn't have to be entertained at school!

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