
What should my main focus be about the Drivers manual? Speeds? Signs? Turn signals? Name what was on ur test.?

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I wanted to know, which things I should mainly focus on. I've read most of the book, and I just wondered what kind of things I will be tested on to get my permit. Thanks. Please no websites, or sample tests. Just based on your own knowledge.




  1. I live in California and while I was Online doing research for Change of Address for my License & Car Registration, I saw a link to California Dept. of Motor Vechile Sample Written tests. I went to the link and there were 10 different tests with answers (later) .....see if you can find it for your state....'Your State', Department of Motor Vehicles.....worth a try!


  2. The written test is usually taken on a computer that selects questions from a test bank. It will ask one or two questions about every topic in the book (turn signals, speed limits, traffic signals, passing, etc).

  3. You can be tested on any material in that handbook.     Don't just read it,  study it a pay close attention to it.     The information there can save you lots of money in fines,  and even your life and that of others.

    Watch others drive.   Don't you think there  are  enough idiots on the highways?   Get serious about learning the information,  or do your part to make the roads safer by staying off them.   Thank you.

  4. All of the above because you will need them for the test as well as for the rest of your life.

  5. For the written part, I noticed my test was mainly about actual rules, such as how far to pull up at an intersection, or when to turn your signals on, when approaching an exit lane. Most of the signs and other things were pretty easy, but it was those things that I ended up losing a few points on.

    As far as the driving part, they're mainly looking for your ability to be aware of your situation. You should be able to know your speed at all times, as well as the position of your vehicle to other drivers and objects. Look around a lot, basically. I lost a point or two on that as well, as the instructor felt I didn't pay enough attention to my surroundings.

    Good luck!

  6. I took the test in PA.  I never read the book and passed.  One of the questions was what shape is a stop sign.  So really it depends on the state.  If its PA just make sure your alive and present and can read the screen.

  7. If your gonna drive and be on the road with others, Your focus should be on everything, signs, speed, right of way, Everything!. The test for permit is not that hard, but basically you'll be operating what can potentially be a deadly, just like a gun in the wrong hands. Don't treat driving like a toy, It's serious business. You need to be very observant of everything around you.

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