
What should my major be for Web Design?

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Currently, I am majoring in Electronic and Visual Communications, which goes over Web Design but also touches TV and Radio communications, and I am not completely sure if that is what companies who want to hire Web Designers look for. I don't believe there is a major at my school that is just strictly Web Design. Does anyone have more information on this major or knows of one that is good for it?




  1. A good web designer must have comprehensive experience and proficiency in specialized HTML and CSS design programming; as well as customizing JavaScript applications for website and web page "flow", presentation and functionality. A creative designer must have an extensive background in advertising idea work if you want to fallow a career track in web designing your coursework may comprise these career-enhancing courses:

    • Introduction to Database

    • Interactive Web Page Scripting

    • Programming Multimedia for the Web

    • Dynamic Web Site Development and Database Integration

    • Web Accessibility


  2. In my opinion, there is more other things in Web Design field, that counts, then just the Bachelors Degree...
    The first and foremost pre-requisite for the Web Designer is his/her aesthetic and artistic sense. The second thing is then the knowledge of Web design. This can be developed through Video Tutorial, Books, and Online material...
    So, I don't think so that College Degree will count you any way in this field. Well, Knowledge is never useless, so I must say, you can have your degree in Software Engineering or Computer Sciences, along with learning Web Designing...

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