
What should my mom do?? (i need your advice, HELP)?

by  |  earlier

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my dad is a douche bag. he is lazy, irresponsible, not caring at all. he cheated on my mom when she was pregnant with my little brother. all he cares about is himself and his well being. i love him cause hes my dad but i am tired of him. when he is drunk he tells me he is going to leave us and go with the woman he cheated on my mom with and his "daughter". he has a poor job because he doesn't want to look for a better one (to lazy) this year and last me and my brother only had like a 200 dollar clothing spending budget for back to school. he settles with making money for bills and expects my mom to buy groceries with $20!! should my mom leave him? i think she should




  1. i think its up to your mom at what she should do. is he mean to her? is he mean to you or your brother? love is a pretty strong thing and if your mother loves him then i can see why she wont or doesnt want to leave him

  2. if my mom only got 20 dollars for food..and i got 200 dollars for back to school...i would ware my same old stuff and give my mom the money for food...because that's more important than going shopping for clothes i probably wouldn't need

  3. I really agreed with a lot of your points until you got to the part about you only getting $200 for clothes... are you aware of all the kids who don't get any money for clothes? $200 is more than enough.

    You can't make your mom's decision for her. You can tell her what you see, but she has to be the ones making the choice. You might see it as his job is not good enough, she might see it as she's lucky that he has a job.

    I would be most concerned with him getting help for his drinking. Once that is taken care of, other things may just fall into place.

    Best of luck to your family.  

  4. Your mom should definetly leave him in my opinion. your fathers biggest concern should be providing for his family an if getting a better job is what it takes then thats what he should do! Im only 16 and i have a daughter and a babys mama an my main concern is providing for them thats why i have 2 jobs and im still going to school. So i think your mom should knock some since into him if possible or leave him.

  5. It's really up to your mom...

    and, hey, did you know that some people (like me) pay for their own clothes when it comes to back to school?

    Why don't you give some of that to your mom if you're concerned?

  6. At the end of the day, it's your moms decision.

    All you should do is tell her how you fell and that you would support her in what ever decision she makes.

    sometimes all a mother needs is a boost of encouragement from her children.

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