
What should my myth be about?

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I have to come up with my own myth for my World Literature class. Do you have any ideas of what I should write about?




  1. Answer - Myth should be something conventional.

    Crack a book on Doctorate level math' and then excuse several reams of your flow charted model proof for anti-gravity concept by saying it was all simple misunderstanding on your part.  Add that if the paper

    is allowed to substitute you'll share any Nobel Prize with Lit' teacher.

  2. In one of my classes, I was assigned to write a simple myth. I used the Ancient Mayan gods because they're MUCH more original than Greek gods. I wrote how the god of darkness fought with the sun god about if the day should be light or dark. They eventually came up with the solution that half the day will be light, and the other half dark.

  3. Write that angels and demons take on the shape of people and war daily in the world, and that with practice you can discern if a person is really an angel or a demon, but that you shouldn't go by outward appearances because angels often have piercings & tattoos and demons use Botox.

  4. It's a flawed assignment, you can't "create" a myth. You can write a fiction story with fantastical/mythological creatures and story-type, but you cannot "create" a myth.  

  5. Think of a natural phenomenon--night and day, the phases of the moon, even the appearance of a type of flower--and think of a way it can be explained using made-up entities or already created gods. Examples: The story of Echo and Narcissus; the story of Adonis; etc.

    Or you could even make up a creation myth--a creative way of explaining how the world was made.


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