
What should my next fish be?

by  |  earlier

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My 30 gallon is just about done with it's cycling (in the next week or so). So I'm wondering what everyone thinks should be my next addition. I currently have 6 zebra danios. I'm going to put in 2-3 panda or leopard cories but I need a good "show" fish. My choices are:

A: Dwarf Gouramis

B: Pearl Gouramis

C: Bosemani Rainbows


E: Stay with the Zebras, quit while you're ahead, ha ha.




  1. Try some kissing gouramis or some neon tetras like about 8 or 5 of them

  2. 6 neon tetras they'll feel safe

    and there schooling fish

  3. maybe fancy male guppys im not sure there commpatible

  4. B! Pearl Gouramis are so beautiful!

  5. A: Dwarf Gouramis!  I have to admit, I've never actually kept them, but I've been wanting to for ages.  Gouramis in general is just awesome, but the dwarfs always seem to be the most active and full of personality.  As soon as I have the right tank available, right?

    I've heard conflicting advice about what sort of male/female combination to get for a thirty gallon, but I've generally heard either 1 male and 1 female or 1 male and 2 females, though having said that I also know someone with two males in a tank about your size that seem to be doing well.  Don't know if I'd risk it, but I suppose the bigger the tank the more likely it is to work.   Dwarf Gouramis are said to get more aggressive when the males and females are breeding, but otherwise they make good community fish and I know I always love watching them.

    Anyway, that's my vote.

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