
What should my next video be about?

by  |  earlier

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I dont have a screenplay writer or actors. Im going to be the one directing it and editing it. I dont want to talk to the camera or have me in the video. I want it to be about life. My idea is that I walk around my neighborhood and take videos of the things I see or maybe I can go somewhere and take videos of whats there. I dont want it to have a story and I want it to be like about whats "there" if you know what I mean.




  1. You cannot have a video without a story. Even the most mindless of reality shows have plots and characterization. It's basic filmmaking theory 101 -- if there is nothing for the audience to relate to or learn from, there is no movie.

    Always keep that in mind. No matter what you are filming, or how simple it is, there always must be a character to relate to or a story to learn from. Period.

    This is human psychology, and not really debatable unless you are intentionally trying to make a film that people will not want to watch or enjoy.

  2. Yeah, there are channels doing successful reality shows (e.g. Big Brother, date & sports shows, etc.) w/o script, lthough w/ certain guidelines, but just real humans.

    But boredom comes in if there are no recommended subjects, tasks, penalties- such that finally it becomes a contest where most participants would give their very best- and reality then comes out - t'is a rat race or a dog-eat-dog world not shown in animal kingdom channel.

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