
What should my rate of pay be for these hours?

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I will be a governess/nanny/waitress in Queensland, the hours are 8.30-3.00( teaching pre-set lessons) then 7.00-9.00 (showering, story, getting to bed) and on Friday and Saturday nights (waitressing and washing up).

How much would you expect to be paid?




  1. Although there is no wages award for governesses, many employers use the In Home Care award as a basis for setting wages. See for details of the award. Don't forget that as a governess you will receive full board and accomodation and the cost of that needs to be taken out of whatever you might otherwise earn. As a guideline,  $450 to $550 per week would be reasonable but it will be up to you to negotiate something that you are satisfied with.

  2. you would be better served at the tax office

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