
What should my recovery pace be for a 5 min mile?

by Guest62168  |  earlier

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i want to run a 5 min mile and im at 5:20 and i want to know a good recovery speed that i could stick to as a goal to get. right now im at 7:40.




  1. Hi Nick

    Is that recovery after you run the mile?


    Is that recovery runs on other days after the mile run?

    I used to do a session of 3 - 6 x 1 mile, with a 5 minute jog between. Now this recovery jogging was a no particular pace except that it was recovery. With one session like this a week you can very easily see how you are improving by your jog recovery rather than the speed of your mile. That is you get back into normal jogging after only a short period of jogging recovery. It is quite amazing how the body recovers.

    The question really is how to run a 5 minute mile which is a mixture of speed and strength. Strengh through aerobic running over various distances and running on hills (pace that is comfortable using the hard day/easy day principal) and speed with a speed session involving some rep 100 or 200m - say 4 - 8 with equal distance recovery jog between.

    Its nice to be able to acheive these goals.

  2. i run a 4:59 mile and i run my recovery runs at 7:30 and my steady runs at 6:30. You should incorporate both runs to maximize endurance, also a lot of speed work on the track. recovery runs should be about 30 mins long and steady runs should be about 20-25 mins after a good warm up.. good luck

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